Saturday, September 26, 2015

Little more catching up

I made this super pretty thing:

At the Kitsap Mosaic Studio in Poulsbo. This was fun- knocked it out while Mom was finishing one of her own pieces. It got dark grey grout- I'll post a finished pic later.

And progress on the kitty paw poncho and the Black Widow socks continues. Almost done with the gusset on one of the socks, then I'll switch to the other and work on it for a while. Hint: this technique reduces the incidence of Second Sock Syndrome and basically assures that both socks will get knit up.

I started the last ball of yarn for the poncho, so that's going well. I'll probably get two more repeats of the paws, then switch to an edging. I'm quite pleased with this. 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

More catching up

Some stuff from Character and Object Design- Apollo, a companion to Civet Brisa.

Some knitting progress will be posted later.

Really, I haven't disappeared.

My laptop, affectionately known as Shiny Mark II, is in the shop. And has been for a few weeks now. I may be needing a Shiny Mark III here soon. *shudder*

So I've been lax in getting my stuff posted. Gonna do some catching up in this next series of posts.

From 2D animation:

And from 3D animation: